Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas Time - December '05!!

Two movie, one walk down MG road (de facto 'Downtown' for Bangalore, or should i say Bengaluru....the latter sounds so very cliche, i guess we will know to live with it, as always..), and i am here again..

Well, was not hell busy these two days, but was jus cooling my heels. My manager says i can take the next week off and come afresh in 2006. Sounds great to me but things still need to be done, if not technical then concerning the appraisal thats coming up ( coz its the time of the year when we need to brag about what we have done all year and the staff decides if its good enough..) I have my fingers crossed ( as most of the ppl here...barring some who think its their birthright to be recognised even if they jus moved a stool from here to there..jus kidding) and hoping for the best..

Lets talk about a movie i saw just yesterday. It was 'Flavors', mostly a comedy on the indian people living outside (by choice, not birth...).......It was a witty script with not great actors (infact most of them didn't look to be actors at all..) but i guess that was the charm of it...Ordinary ppl doing things they would naturally do...

Met some preacher yesterday on MGR or downtown...whatever ( as it IS Christmas time..)..
He started saying, "These days people have a lot of pain in their hearts ( which is right) and that what we need today isn't fun (read it -- wine, dine, flirt..) but LOVE and that's what will take us to the next level of existence. We humans have come this far, made so many things, invented so new ways of relaxation but fell short on developing the inner soul. Most of us carry a lot of pain in our hearts, and each one is after something, but a little tender love, a little sympathetic touch makes us forget our pains for a moment..." and on and on..
Am not preaching what he said although I do agree with the GIST of his statements...And these things need not be tied to any religion....we all know and we can but will not do anything about it, thats known...

I have a lot of reading to do ( a new SAS and a new mini project/task that i need to do, come 2006), so i guess thats what i am going to do next week and maybe this weekend...
So Merry Christmas, if i can't find time before Sunday.....


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