College Fests, Motor's and me..2006 is just round the corner!!
Christmas breezed past!! But Santa was no where to be seen..Well maybe 'me' toooo grown up now for him...'The Santa ClausE' on * movies did take me back to the days when Santa really used to show up..Anyway, will expect him next year...
Played Cricket a long long time after, on Sunday..It warmed up the muscles and stirred up the joints!! Played well, good start to the season..:)
Methinks Team India's gonna win the series against Team Paki...(waiting for the one-dayers.)
A lot of college fests going on..Mood Indigo at IITB, Intaglio at IIMC...Well our IIM-Bengaluru also has its own ( forgot the name..memory's going slack)..Last year it was awesome with Strings, Parikrama, Moksha et al..
Test drove a Scorpio, Fusion and a Safari on the weekend...Scorpio was good (as expected, i found it better designed than the other two..) Fusion and Safari have a spanning dashboard (or maye its my impression..), that you need another person on the side seat for navigation..
But if not looking for a SUV, i found the Fusion a better deal..Good sturdy car, nice features, competitively priced,good manoeuvring. Checked out the Swift also, the base model really sucked..the dashboard was a copy of Fusion's...but i guess the high end model is a good buy with some new features that MUL didn't have in any of its cars till now..No wonder you see so many 'froggies' on the road..Am i going to buy a car, donno, maybe or maybe not..!!
Need to have lunch now...
So packing up...ciao!
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