Sunday, January 08, 2006

Core 2 Duo, MS Vista and Nokia N91

Well these past days were really hectic...
Filling up the perf review forms for its called 360 degree and mine too..

Well saw the CES conference video just this week...CES is the Consumer Electronics Show where all that's latest in the PC or Electronics is displayed and showcased...Nice forum if you are even a bit interested in knowing what the future has in store in terms of technologies that could (or maybe surely will..) hit our homes...
This time it was good with a lot of new things...So for this year for we the common people, here's what is in store ---

1. Core Duo from intel, newest processors which have low power consumption, giving higher
battery life, and better performance...Also they are Dual Core (have to execution cores
instead of just one..)

2. Vista from MS, the long awaited succesor to XP..(hopefully this year it comes..)
Well Vista has a lot of positive changes...Aeroglass (this will give a 3D feeling to the
desktop, but only if you use certain high-end graphics cards), SuperFetch (have a USB stick
sitting idle, plug it in to ur computer and watch how fast ur applications open..),
Better search than XP, wonder if Google Desktop Search is gonna go out....and others..

Btw, for all those really interested, here's a cool video, where the Vista Architects very
informally discuss about the changes from XP..follow the link here:
Vista Architects Discussion Video

I liked this one...

3. N91 series from Nokia, a whole bunch of new phones will cool features...that may or may not
allow you to watch (lo-behold!...) TV on your phone...Actually thats the big bang in phones
this year, after integrating the camera they wanna show us TV on the phone..

More to come, gotto go now...
This blog's become too technical..
Next time...need to change tracks..
See ya...


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