Thursday, January 12, 2006

Coffee and KK

No, this blog's not gonna fade away just like that!!..Me was preoccupied..!!

Lets leave the tech track for now..!!!

So, KK perfomed live and Shankar Mahadevan via the satellite this week as Core Duo..,the newest processor which was co-designed in India...designed in India??? (!..chuckle)..Companies would do anything for publicity!!really...And point is people do believe...

Anyway, KK was great, he packed all the enthu he could and really made the intellites dance to his tune...A very different KK, from the last time i saw him 3 years ago in college...Then he used to stand and deliver (if you like the phrase...) and no jumping (lest he should misplace the gel in his hair!!..)..But a good singer, has some nice songs to his credit...i liked the one from 'Aashayein' the most...

On a personal front, i need to join a gym badly!!...I need to..i need to..I need to repeat this too!!!....Am starting to be a regular at India coffee house on MG...The food is good, non-oily and leaves a good feeling in the gut after you have it...And the place is older than soveriegn India is, i suppose..The hangings on the wall remind of a period in Indian history well gone and buried in the minds of the few who are still breathing...Here's a snapshot of the coffee, i bet it taste's better than what Barista has to offer..!

Reading - Five Point Someone by Mr. bhagat from IITd and iimA ...can't comment anything as of now..apparently is a mix and match of reality and exaggeration in hostel life, to put it very very plainly..

Here's KK, revving up the beats....

dropping the pen now..


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